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Cognitive Rehabilitation




Health & Wellbeing


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The CVC has collaborated in several projects in the field of mental health care:


INNOBRAIN explores computer-human interaction and artificial intelligence algorithms to predict intervention results. The INNOBRAIN consortium works to integrate new technologies in the cognitive rehabilitation and stimulation of neurological and psychiatric patients, as is human-computer interaction, tracking emotional expressions with artificial vision, or artificial intelligence algorithms to predict the end result of interventions and improve treatment personalization, among other innovative elements.

Within this project, the CVC is implementing computer vision technology in order to recognise emotional expressions of both children and adults which have suffered from neurological disorders or disease. In this way, clinicians will be able to monitor neurorehabilitation and its evolution, in some cases with the use of videogames, by measuring level of attention, distraction, frustration and engagement.

This project, in which CVC is actively working, forms part of NextHealth, a RIS3CAT community lead by Biocat, supported by ACCIÓ and the European Union, through the European Regional Development Fund.



A system to assist in the rehabilitation of child patients with acquired brain injury through the use of Serious Games.Serious games combine learning strategies, knowledge and structures, and game elements to teach specific skills, knowledge and attitudes. They are designed to solve problems in several areas, using the entertainment and engagement components provided when the user is playing games. The system integrates eye tracking and computer vision technologies, in order to analyze the reactions of the patient or distractions during the execution of tasks.

This project is financed by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness within the call «Challenges-Collaboration 2014» of the State Program for Research, Development and Innovation Oriented to the Challenges of Society, within the framework of the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2013-2016.
