Humans like watching humans: recent advances in human-centered video analysis

Humans like watching humans: recent advances in human-centered video analysis

Place: Large Lecture Room

Affiliation: Departamento de Informática y Análisis Numérico Universidad de Córdoba Campus de Rabanales  

In this seminar I will present recent advances in the field of visual content analysis focused on people. We will review some of our recently published techniques on 2D human pose estimation and video shot retrieval based on whether people are holding a target pose. Then, we will focus on the problem of video retrieval based on people-to-people interaction. On one hand, by detecting people looking at each other and, on the other hand, by using spatio-temporal local features.

The presented work has been developed in collaboration with N. Pérez de la Blanca, M. Eichner, V. Ferrari and A. Zisserman.