Color for Object Detection and Action Recognition

Color for Object Detection and Action Recognition

Place: Large Lecture Room

Affiliation: Computer Vision Center  

Committee Members:

Dr. David Gerònimo – Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

Dr. Daniel Ponsa - Departament Ciències de la Computació & Centre de Visió per Computador - UAB

Dr. Javier Vàzquez-Corral – Universitat Pompeu Fabra  


Recognizing object categories in real world images is a challenging problem in computer vision. The deformable part based framework is currently the most successful approach for object detection. Generally, HOG are used for image representation within the part-based framework. For action recognition, the bag-of-word framework has shown to provide promising results. Within the bag-of-words framework, local image patches are described by SIFT descriptor. Contrary to object detection and action recognition, combining color and shape has shown to provide the best performance for object and scene recognition.

In the first part of this thesis, we analyze the problem of person detection in still images. Standard person detection approaches rely on intensity based features for image representation while ignoring the color. Channel based descriptors is one of the most commonly used approaches in object recognition. This inspires us to evaluate incorporating color information using the channel based fusion approach for the task of person detection.

In the second part of the thesis, we investigate the problem of object detection in still images. Due to high dimensionality, channel based fusion increases the computational cost. Moreover, channel based fusion has been found to obtain inferior results for object category where one of the visual varies significantly. On the other hand, late fusion is known to provide improved results for a wide range of object categories. A consequence of late fusion strategy is the need of a pure color descriptor. Therefore, we propose to use Color attributes as an explicit color representation for object detection. Color attributes are compact and computationally efficient. Consequently color attributes are combined with traditional shape features providing excellent results for object detection task.

Finally, we focus on the problem of action detection and classification in still images. We investigate the potential of color for action classification and detection in still images. We also evaluate different fusion approaches for combining color and shape information for action recognition. Additionally, an analysis is performed to validate the contribution of color for action recognition. Our results clearly demonstrate that combining color and shape information significantly improve the performance of both action classification and detection in still images.