Multi-modal Pedestrian Detection
Thesis director: Dr. Antonio López Peña (Computer Vision Center & Dep. of Computer Science, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain)
Pedestrian detection continues to be an extremely challenging problem in real scenarios, in which situations like illumination changes, noisy images, unexpected objects, uncontrolled scenarios and variant appearance of objects occur constantly. All these problems force the development of more robust detectors for relevant applications like vision-based autonomous vehicles, intelligent surveillance, and pedestrian tracking for behavior analysis. Most reliable vision-based pedestrian detectors base their decision on features extracted using a single sensor capturing complementary features, e.g., appearance, and texture. These features usually are extracted from the current frame, ignoring temporal information, or including it in a post process step e.g., tracking or temporal coherence. Taking into account these issues we formulate the following question: can we generate more robust pedestrian detectors by introducing new information sources in the feature extraction step?
In order to answer this question we develop different approaches for introducing new information sources to well-known pedestrian detectors. We start by the inclusion of temporal information following the Stacked Sequential Learning (SSL) paradigm which suggests that information extracted from the neighboring samples in a sequence can improve the accuracy of a base classifier.
We then focus on the inclusion of complementary information from different sensors like 3D point clouds (LIDAR - depth), far infrared images (FIR), or disparity maps (stereo pair cameras). For this end we develop a multi-modal framework in which information from different sensors is used for increasing detection accuracy (by increasing information redundancy). Finally we propose a multi-view pedestrian detector, this multi-view approach splits the detection problem in n sub-problems. Each sub-problem will detect objects in a given specific view reducing in that way the variability problem faced when a single detectors is used for the whole problem. We show that these approaches obtain competitive results with other state-of-the-art methods but instead of design new features, we reuse existing ones boosting their performance.