CVC researchers at this year’s ICPR2018 Several CVC researchers attended this year's International Conference on Pattern Recognition in Beijing during August. CVC presented 5 papers in total: two oral presentations and three posters. Xialei Liu presented an oral presentation of his paper 'Rotate your Networks: Better Weight Consolidation and Less Catastrophic Forgetting'; Pau Riba presented an oral presentation of his paper 'Learning Graph Distances with Message Passing Neural Networks', wining the Best student Scientific Paper Award of Track 5 on Document Analysis and Recognition. On the other hand, Lu Yu presented her poster 'Weakly Supervised Domain-Specific Color Naming Based on Attention', Gemma Rotger presented hers: '2D-to-3D Facial Expression Transfer', and Sounak Dey presented 'Learning Cross-Modal Deep Embeddings for Multi-Object Image Retrieval using Text and Sketch'. Prev article Next article SHARE ON