International Women’s Day 2021: Meet CVC’s female staff
Every year on March 8th countries around the world celebrate the International Women’s Day. This special date is an opportunity to claim gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls.
During February, coinciding with the International Day of Women and Girls in Science settled by the United Nations on February 11th, the CVC launched a campaign through its social networks in order to put in the spotlight the figure of women in science and technology, posting a set of videos and banners to highlight the stories of our female researchers and technicians.
Following the same line, this time, we want to highlight the crucial role of the CVC’s female support staff, the women who are working every day to make the CVC a better place. We have asked them about their jobs, their experiences being a woman in their workplaces and their messages to society. Let’s hear what they have to say!
Empezamos con Mireia Martín, personal de soporte a la investigación del #CVC #8M #8Marzo #8Marzo2021 #DiaInternacionalDeLaMujer #8M2021 #CVCPeople
— CVC_UAB (@CVC_UAB) March 4, 2021
Acabem la setmana amb l'Eva Caballero, gestora de Recursos Humans al #CVC. El dilluns més #8Marzo #8Marzo2021 #DiaInternacionalDeLaMujer #8M2021 #CVCPeople #DiaInternacionalDeLaDona
— CVC_UAB (@CVC_UAB) March 5, 2021
Torn ara per la Fátima López, responsable de Transferència Tecnològica al #CVC #8Marzo #8Marzo2021 #8M2021 #DiaInternacionalDeLaMujer #DiaInternacionalDeLaDona
— CVC_UAB (@CVC_UAB) March 8, 2021
I acabem amb la @MartaVallejoTey, gerent del #CVC. Esperem que aquests vídeos hagin servit perquè conegueu una mica a part de les dones que treballen dia a dia per fer del CVC un lloc millor #8Marzo #8Marzo2021 #8M2021 #DiaInternacionalDeLaMujer #DiaInternacionalDeLaDona
— CVC_UAB (@CVC_UAB) March 9, 2021
Watch the #8M2021 Youtube playlist here.