Researcher position in Computer Vision
We are seeking a researcher to join the Vision, Language and Reading group at the Computer Vision Center (CVC), in Barcelona, Spain.
The position is for 6 months. The position will remain open until a good candidate is found.
The position is linked to the “European Lighthouse on Secure and Safe AI” (ELSA), a European Project funded by Horizon Europe and backed by the ELLIS network of excellence. The project covers research topics that include robustness, privacy and human agency and will develop use cases in areas such as autonomous driving, robotics, health and document intelligence.
The specific focus of this research position will be on privacy-preserving Document Visual Question Answering systems.
The direct responsible for this post will be Dr Dimosthenis Karatzas. He is the leader of the Vision, Language and Reading research group at the CVC. For more information visit:
The candidate should have experience in research on machine learning or computer vision and have a strong publication record. We are looking for candidates who have publications in indexed journals and top conferences like CVPR, ECCV, ICCV, ICDAR, NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR.
The candidate should have a strong background in machine learning and computer vision and experience in document image analysis and/or visual question answering. The applicants are expected to be fluent in both oral and written communication in English. They should work well in a team while demonstrating initiative and independence. The candidate is expected to co-supervise master students.
The successful candidate is expected to contribute to the design and development of AI solutions for document understanding, employing privacy-preserving techniques and infrastructures set up by the ELSA project.
The selected candidate will work in the Computer Vision Centre (CVC), Barcelona, a research institute comprising more than 130 researchers and support staff, dedicated to computer vision research and knowledge transfer. With a strong international projection and links to the industry, the Computer Vision Centre offers an exciting environment for scientific career development. The Computer Vision Centre has a plan for expansion of its permanent research staff base and has received the “HR Excellence in Research” award as a provider and supporter of a stimulating and favourable working environment.
Barcelona is a vibrant city and an important Artificial Intelligence hub. The high quality of life is combined with an open and international looking character of the city. Barcelona is very well connected by air, sea and ground transportation. The region of Catalonia boosts its own AI strategy, in which the CVC is a key player.
If you are interested in the position, please contact Dr Dimosthenis Karatzas for more information (
Apply by filling in the online form you will find at the end of the offer.
OTM-R principles for selection processes
The CVC is committed to Open Transparent and Merit-based Recruitment (OTM-R) for any potential candidate in all our processes. In 2015 we received the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) award. Through an extensive and continuous process, we improve the conditions and opportunities at CVC. With these actions, the CVC is committed to the principles of the European Charter for Researchers, as well as the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. For more information follow this link.
Vision, Language and Reading group
“This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101070617”.