Sant Jordi 2024 | Book recommendations by #CVCpeople
Happy Sant Jordi everyone!
As always, on April 23rd, we are celebrating this special day in Catalonia that pays homage to literature, tradition, love, and culture. To mark the occasion, we asked our staff to recommend their favourite books.
Books are not just a source of knowledge and inspiration, but also a gateway to different worlds, ideas, and perspectives. From classic novels to thought-provoking nonfiction, our list of recommended books has something for everyone.
You can find all the book recommendations from our #CVCpeople for this year below. We believe that each book on our list is unique and has something valuable to offer. We invite you to explore our recommendations, discover your next favourite read and step out of your comfort zone!

Les calces al sol | Regina Rodríguez Sirvent
Recommended by Alexandra Gomez Villa

All the lonely people | Mike Gayle
Recommended by Marc Compte Olivella
"Un bon recordatori de com tractar a la gent i envoltar-nos de les millors persones possibles."

Factfulness | Hans Rosling
Recommended by Jorge Clusa
"Factfulness is “the stress-reducing habit of only carrying opinions for which you have strong supporting facts” — Quote from the book.
The book is a relaxing habit for critical thinking. It helps to maintain a fact-based worldview. And, it teaches how to recognize and avoid the most common ways information gets misinterpreted."

Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! | Vintage Feynman
Recommended by Pau Torras
"A collection of anecdotes by Nobel Prize winner Richard Feynman that inspires the reader to always challenge their assumptions and push their curiosity to its furthest limits. It also opens a window inside the mind of one of the wittiest and most charismatic scientists of the 20th century through the description of his wildest and most bizarre life events."

"Ten Years in Germany" 留德十年 | Xianlin Ji 季羡林
Recommended by Yachan Guo
""Ten Years in Germany" is a memoir written by Ji Xianlin, a renowned Chinese scholar, about his experiences during the ten years he spent studying and living in Germany. The book provides a fascinating account of Ji Xianlin's journey to Germany in the early 1930s, his academic pursuits, cultural encounters, and observations of German society during a tumultuous historical period.
As someone pursuing a doctoral degree abroad, I resonate deeply with the emotions expressed in this book and feel a strong connection with the author."

Inglorious Empire | Shashi Tharoor
Recommended by Joost van de Weijer
"History of British colonial rule in India, clearly describing the devastating consequences."

Sea and Fog| Etel Adnan
Recommended by Diego Porres

Jo confesso | Jaume Cabré
Recommended by Joan Samper Vila
"Aquest llibre és un clàssic publicat el 2011, així que no m'estranyaria que ja hagués estat recomanat altres vegades, ja que simplement és una obra d'art. És una novel·la amb una història que t'atrapa de principi a fi, amb una trama que perfectament lligada on es segueix la història d'un violí des de la seva gènesi en el S.XIV fins a l'actualitat."

The Spear Cuts Through Water | Simon Jiménez
Recommended by Andrey Barsky
"Part folk myth, part fairy-tale, part fantasy epic - a fascinatingly poetic story-within-a-story about heritage, belonging, and the stories we tell ourselves.
The presentation is utterly unique, and the writing is wonderfully creative, with style and charm that I haven't been able to stop thinking about."

Invisible Women: Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men | Caroline Criado Perez
Recommended by Aura Hernández Sabaté
"To be aware of not transferring the same biases we find in life 1.0 to life 2.0 (or 4.0)."

Las mujeres detrás de Picasso | Eugenia Tenenbaum
Recommended by Laura Martín Montañez
"On Picasso's anniversary, discover a side that has been rarely discussed. It was a revelation to me, with beautiful illustrations of the women who crossed his path in life. This book has made me wonder... Can we separate the artist's work from the artist? What would have become of many without the women who stood by their side?"

My Family and Other Animals | Gerald Durrell
Recommended by Laura Martín Montañez

Arrugas / Wrinkles | Paco Roca

Cosas nuestras | Ilu Ros

Romancero gitano | Federico García Lorca
"It is not only the content of the book and Federico's mastery of words, but also his surrealist drawings. Additionally, several other illustrated versions have recently been published, including those by Ricardo Cavolo, Daniel Montero Galán, Pilarín Bayés, and the one from Mil Coeditores."

The curious incident of the dog in the night-time | Mark Haddon
Recommended by Claire
"A crime has occurred and Christopher, a 15-year-old boy with Asperger's syndrome, narrates the events from the logical reasoning of his disability."

Three body problem | Cixin Liu
Recommended by Sergi Garcia Bordils
"Cool hard sci-fi from a chinese author. Apologies if the chinese students already recommended it, it's a good book. Avoid the Nexflix adaptation."

El futur de la humanitat | Eudald Carbonell
Recommended by Guim Casadellà Cors
"La manera de viure que ha adoptat l'ésser humà està tornant-se cada cop més insostenible. Al llibre Eudald fa deu propostes de com, com a espècie, ens podem repensar la situació actual i actuar al respecte. Posant molt d'èmfasi al rol de la tecnologia en la societat i l'impacte a la humanitat i al planeta on vivim."

1984 | George Orwell
Recommended by Sanket Biswas
"This book is like the dystopian Lord of the Rings, with its richly developed culture and economics, not to mention a fully developed language called Newspeak, or rather more of the anti-language, whose purpose is to limit speech and understanding instead of enhance it. I can re-read it again and again and it never fails to entice me. Highly recommended"

Como agua para chocolate | Laura Esquivel
Recommended by Sanket Biswas
"Como agua para chocolate está considerada una de las obras clásicas del realismo mágico, ese género de novela fantástica que consiguió colarse en los cánones generalistas. Como gran representante de su género, en esta novela de Laura Esquivel no encontraremos una magia como a la que estamos acostumbrados: no hay dragones, ni batallas, ni magos, ni seres extraños. En cambio, tenemos una magia sutil, detallista, puntual pero definitiva en la historia. Como agua para chocolate une dos géneros literarios: el costumbrismo, ya que nos sumerge en una familia mexicana de principios del siglo XX, y la fantasía, ya que la magia se entrelaza con la realidad y, sin ella, no habría historia."

A palm for the wild built | Becky Chambers
Recommended by Carlos Boned Riera
"Because it is a recent book I read and I really liked it. It is short and easy to read."