CVC Achieves Top Positions in 2024 SCImago Institutions Rankings
We are proud to announce that the CVC has achieved remarkable positions in the 2024 SCImago Institutions Rankings (SIR), highlighting our commitment to excellence in research, innovation, and societal impact.
The SCImago Institutions Rankings (SIR) is an annual classification of academic and research-related institutions, assessed using a composite indicator that combines research performance, innovation outputs, and societal impact. The ranking enables customized analysis based on institutional typologies—such as government-funded research centres, universities, non-profit and private institutions—and research fields, offering a detailed perspective on institutional achievements.
CVC in National and International Rankings
Global Rankings Across All Institution Typologies
When considering all institution types—government-funded centres, universities, private research organizations, non-profits, and healthcare centres—the CVC achieves strong positions:
- 8th in Spain out of 459 institutions,
- 68th in Western Europe out of 2,252 institutions, and
- 284th worldwide out of 9,084 institutions.
Global Rankings Among Government-Funded Research Institutions
In the government-funded research institution category, the CVC ranks:
- 2nd in Spain out of 152 institutions, behind only the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC),
- 13th in Western Europe out of 786 institutions, and
- 28th worldwide out of 1,870 institutions, placing us firmly in the global Top 30.
Excellence in Computer Science
In the Computer Science field, the CVC demonstrates outstanding performance:
- Among Government-Funded Institutions:
- 2nd in Spain (out of 23 institutions),
- 11th in Western Europe (out of 197 institutions), and
- 18th globally (out of 515 institutions).
- Across All Institution Typologies:
- 3rd in Spain (out of 117 institutions),
- 39th in Western Europe (out of 936 institutions), and
- 201st globally (out of 4,155 institutions).
Leading in Mathematics
The CVC also excels in the Mathematics field, achieving top positions:
- Among Government-Funded Institutions:
- 1st in Spain (out of 22 institutions),
- 12th in Western Europe (out of 224 institutions), and
- 20th globally (out of 593 institutions).
- Across All Institution Typologies:
- 1st in Spain (out of 83 institutions),
- 43rd in Western Europe (out of 864 institutions), and
- 185th globally (out of 4,040 institutions).
(!) Disclaimer: All data in this post is based on the 2024 SCImago Institutions Rankings, as consulted on December 9, 2024