International Women’s Day 2021: Meet CVC’s female staff

Every year on March 8th countries around the world celebrate the International Women’s Day. This special date is an opportunity to claim gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls. During February, coinciding with the International Day of Women and Girls in Science settled by the United Nations on February 11th, the CVC launched … Read more

International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2021

Although females make up at least half of the world population, they represent less than 30% of researchers worldwide, according to a report made by UNESCO. This rate seems more hopeful in the case of Catalonia, in which as stated in the report “Gender bias in staff recruitment, promotion and retention at universities (2019)” by Vives Network, women are 42% of the research … Read more

Women’s day 2020

The CVC prepared a Twitter Campaign in order to celebrate Women’s day on the 8th of March. The main aim was to showcase the professionals we have at CVC, why they studied Computer Science and what would they tell future generations. You can find the Twitter moment here:

Dr Maria Vanrell, winner of the CIARP Aurora Pons-Porrata Award 2018

CVC Researcher Dr Maria Vanrell has received the CIARP Aurora Pons-Porrata Award in recognition of her professional trajectory. This international prize is given annually to a living woman in recognition of an outstanding scientific contribution to the field of pattern recognition, data mining and related areas. Dr Maria Vanrell is an Associate Professor of Artificial … Read more

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Marie Curie, Hypatia of Alexandria and Rosalind Franklin are probably some of the few names that sound familiar when talking about women in science. Unfortunately, not many more names stand out and neither do their contributions to science and, of course, society. Throughout history, there have been many brilliant women in science whose work has … Read more

The first computer algorithm comes by the name of Ada

Today is Ada Lovelace’s Day, a special celebration to visualize Ada’s contributions and to recognize women in science, technology, engineering and maths. Ada Lovelace made her contribution  in a moment when mathematics was considered only a man’s subject, but despite that, she created the first algorithm to be carried out by a machine. To commemorate … Read more