Intel·ligència Artificial aplicada a la biodiversitat


Al llarg dels darrers anys la preocupació per l’estat i estabilitat de la biodiversitat als boscos de Catalunya ha anat a l’alça, amb la irrupció de múltiples tècniques i opcions com, per exemple: la gestió d’espais naturals protegits, la col·laboració amb entitats, el voluntariat, les campanyes de conscienciació a la societat, la preservació d’animals en … Read more

CVC & Épica La Fura dels Baus trained a model for “Crema’l tu!” Badalona contest


CVC collaborated with Épica Foundation and Col·legi Badalonès designing a proposal for the Crema’l tu! contest. A contest to choose the design of the Demon that will be burned in Badalona on the Night of St. Anastasis on May 10. The submitted design resulted from training an AI with more than 500 demon pictures draw by students. Different levels workshops for … Read more

CVCRD 2024 – 19th CVC Workshop on Computer Vision Trends and Challenges 


We’re excited to share insights from the 19th CVC Workshop on Computer Vision Trends and Challenges (CVCRD), held on July 19!  CVCRD is our annual workshop where CVC PhD students present their latest research and engage in discussions about their plans and expectations. It’s a platform for dialogues between senior researchers and students, exploring challenges … Read more

Inauguration of the New ELLIS Unit Barcelona: A Key Initiative to Boost AI Research Excellence in Catalonia

ELLIS Unit Barcelona members

Barcelona, July 12, 2024. The ELLIS Unit Barcelona, essential for establishing Catalonia as a leading hub for AI research and innovation in Europe, was officially presented at an event held at the Institut d’Estudis Catalans in Barcelona. As part of the network of 43 local sites of the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems … Read more

Computer vision for bamboo control in the Miño and Sil river basins 

The Confederación Hidrográfica del Miño-Sil (CHMinoSil) and the Computer Vision Center initiated a collaboration to develop and implement technology to monitor the persistent growth of bamboo in the Miño and Sil rivers in Galicia.  Bamboo: an invasive specie  Originally from Asia, bamboo has proliferated in various parts of the world due to its ornamental and practical … Read more

Talent Day 2024 at CVC

On Friday 24th, we celebrated the CVC Talent Day & CVCRD Junior, a special event where students from the Elena Maseras and Rosa Sensat internship programs had the opportunity to present the outcomes of their research projects. These interns shared their experiences and insights gained during their time with the CVC community in a dynamic … Read more

Smart Recycling with Computer Vision – World Recycling Day 2024


Today is World Recycling Day, and it is an appropriate moment to reflect on the importance of recycling in preserving our planet. Computer Vision can play an important role in improving recycling and contributing to a greener and more sustainable future. At CVC, we are developing innovative solutions to enhance recycling practices. Here is a closer look at some of our … Read more

Open Day 2024 at Computer Vision Center

Once a year, the Computer Vision Centre organises an Open Day. On this day, everyone interested in computer vision and artificial intelligence is encouraged to visit our facilities to find out more about what we do and how we contribute to society. This year, the event took place on Wednesday, May 8, and there were two-time slots to choose from. A morning and an afternoon shift of 90 minutes each designed for the attendees to get acquainted with the work currently undertaken by CVC researchers.

Our call resounded upon students and gathered about 60 of them deeply interested in getting to know more about computer vision, the fields in which it is applied, and the main projects and lines of research directly by the hands of our researchers and technical staff. Attendees to the Open Day could also discover the training and career opportunities we offer at the centre, which are, among others: TFGs, internships, Master’s and PhD programmes.

The event opened with an overview of the centre. Laura Martín, of Marketing and Communications, introduced the mission and the objectives that the CVC pursues, so that, those unfamiliar with the centre, can recognise us as a leading non-profit organization dedicated to research and development within the field of computer vision. Afterwards, the attendees to the Open Day visited the facilities while CVC’s research and technical staff explained their research lines and projects illustrating their work with interactive experiences such as generative art from facial expressions, age prediction or sketch to image demonstrations. 

It was time in the Open Day for our researchers, Dr Debora Gil and Dr Carles Sánchez, working in Interactive and Augmented Modelling, explained how AI contributes to medicine. They talked about virtual bronchoscopy and showed participants a software that allows the planning of biopsy interventions to reach pulmonary lesions.

They were followed by Dr Javier Vazquez and Gemma Roselló Fontanals, working in Colour in Context and Neuro Computation and Biological Vision, showed CVC’s colour laboratory and explained some of the experiments and tests that can be performed in this lab.

And, Coen Antens head of the Innovation Unit, explained a demo that CVC students did at a hackathon for the last edition of MWC. This demonstration uses advanced computer vision and AI generative models to go from lip reading to image generation. 

Furthermore, several PhD students and interns contributed to the Open Day explaining their research projects and giving tips to the students, which are likely to become future researchers. They were: 

👉 Alex Gómez-Villa
👉 Guim Casadellà
👉 Adrià Molina
👉 Héctor Laria
👉 Pau Torras
👉 Artemis Llabres

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BADAMON.IA: CVC & Épica La Fura dels Baus trained a model for “Crema’l tu!” Badalona contest

Overview BADAMONIA is an exciting project that explores how artificial intelligence (AI) and creativity can work together. This project is a team effort by the Computer Vision Center (CVC), the Épica Foundation La Fura dels Baus, and Col·legi Badalonès. As part of the 25th anniversary of Badalona’s Crema’l Tu contest, the project aims to design … Read more

Dr Antonio Lopez and Dr Sergio Escalera have received the “ICREA Academia” distinction for the second time

The Catalan Institute for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA) has awarded ICREA Acadèmia grants to 40 academic staff members from Catalan universities across various fields in its 2023 call. Among the awardees are Dr Antonio Lopez and Dr Sergio Escalera, both researchers at CVC, who previously received the grant in 2018 and have now renewed … Read more