7 CVC Researchers in the Top 2% Most Cited Globally by the Stanford University Ranking

Stanford University, in collaboration with Elsevier-Scopus, has recently updated the results of the study of the most-cited authors in the world. This global ranking considered one of the most prestigious, is based on bibliometric information collected from the Scopus database (published by Elsevier), updated to the end of the citation year 2023, and includes the … Read more

Intel·ligència Artificial aplicada a la biodiversitat


Al llarg dels darrers anys la preocupació per l’estat i estabilitat de la biodiversitat als boscos de Catalunya ha anat a l’alça, amb la irrupció de múltiples tècniques i opcions com, per exemple: la gestió d’espais naturals protegits, la col·laboració amb entitats, el voluntariat, les campanyes de conscienciació a la societat, la preservació d’animals en … Read more

CVCRD 2024 – 19th CVC Workshop on Computer Vision Trends and Challenges 


We’re excited to share insights from the 19th CVC Workshop on Computer Vision Trends and Challenges (CVCRD), held on July 19!  CVCRD is our annual workshop where CVC PhD students present their latest research and engage in discussions about their plans and expectations. It’s a platform for dialogues between senior researchers and students, exploring challenges … Read more

Dr Antonio Lopez and Dr Sergio Escalera have received the “ICREA Academia” distinction for the second time

The Catalan Institute for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA) has awarded ICREA Acadèmia grants to 40 academic staff members from Catalan universities across various fields in its 2023 call. Among the awardees are Dr Antonio Lopez and Dr Sergio Escalera, both researchers at CVC, who previously received the grant in 2018 and have now renewed … Read more

CVC participates in BERTHA, a European project that will develop a Driver Behavioral Model for safer and more human-like autonomous vehicles

The Horizon Europe project BERTHA kicked off on November 22nd-24th in Valencia, Spain. The project has been granted €7,981,799.50 from the European Commission to develop a Driver Behavioral Model (DBM) that can be used in connected autonomous vehicles to make them safer and more human-like. The resulting DBM will be available on an open-source HUB … Read more

CVC Achieves Top Rank in Computer Science in Spain According to SCImago Ranking

The SCImago Institutions Rankings (SIR) is a classification of academic and research institutions based on a composite indicator that integrates three distinct sets of criteria, assessing research performance, innovation outputs, and societal impact measured through web visibility. The Scimago ranking categorizes universities and other public and private research institutions in a general ranking, as well … Read more

5 CVC Researchers Acknowledged Among the Most Cited Globally by the Stanford University Ranking

Stanford University, in collaboration with Elsevier-Scopus, has recently updated the results of the study of the most-cited authors in the world. This global ranking considered one of the most prestigious, is based on bibliometric information collected from the Scopus database (published by Elsevier), updated to the end of the citation year 2022, and includes the … Read more

CVCRD 2023 – 18th CVC Workshop on Computer Vision Trends and Challenges

We’re excited to share insights from the 18th CVC Workshop on Computer Vision Trends and Challenges (CVCRD), held on July 14! CVCRD is our annual workshop where CVC PhD students present their latest research and engage in discussions about their plans and expectations. It’s a platform for dialogues between senior researchers and students, exploring challenges … Read more

Interpretable-by-design Prototype-based Deep Learning

Abstract: Deep Learning justifiably attracted the attention and interest of the scientific community and industry as well as of the wider society and even policy makers. However, the predominant architectures (from Convolutional Neural Networks to Transformers) are hyper-parametric models with weights/parameters being detached from the physical meaning of the object of modelling. They are, essentially, … Read more

Meta-RL for Visual Semantic Navigation

Abstract: Semantic and goal-oriented visual navigation is one of the most prominent tasks performed by intelligent species in their daily lives. This task is defined as the ability we have to navigate through our environment, finding targets and enabling interaction with it. Navigation methods used in robotics can be divided into two main categories: geometry-based … Read more