Director's Welcome
Welcome to the Computer Vision Center (CVC). On the website, we aim to provide you with information about our work, activities and sector. Computer vision is an exciting research area and an omnipresent technology, essentially empowering machines with a sense of vision. The CVC is a successful marriage between knowledge and innovation. In addition to our cutting-edge scientific achievements, we have established lasting ties with industrial partners and created several spin-off companies.
The CVC model would not exist without our post-doctoral researchers, PhD students, and technicians. Their attitude and scientific insight combined with their ambition to discover, led the center to overcome increasingly difficult challenges. Their values are enthusiasm, persistence, hard work and team spirit. This combination of talent and endeavour results in cutting-edge computer vision algorithms recognized by the scientific community. In addition, their entrepreneurship encourages innovation, giving value to generated knowledge, and transferring this into real solutions for society at large. As a result of the internationally-renowned computer vision and artificial intelligence master program, the CVC is training young and bright students who will in turn become future leaders in the research and development of computer vision.
If you feel attracted to the world of images and to the challenge of inventing the next generation of intelligent vision systems, then the CVC is the place for you. On the other hand, if you have any visual analysis tasks in your production workflows, visit us and we are likely to have a solution that can improve the efficiency of your organization. Computer Vision is everywhere, the only limit is your imagination.
Dr. Josep Lladós
CVC Director