Quantum Machine Learning takes advantage of the Quantum Computing Paradigm and hardware to solve different types of problems. The Quantum Machine Learning Group (QML-CVC) is an emerging group at CVC aiming at carrying out research in this particular field of AI. The group is coordinated by Prof. Fernando Vilariño (expert in Machine Learning and Computer Vision) and Dr Matias Bilkis (expert in Quantum Information).
This is a new area of research that has shown recent improvements in different fields, and excellent resources already exist as software libraries that allow for the implementation of quantum algorithms (Qiskit, Pennylane, Cirq, and others). The research will focus on a Classical-Quantum-Classical approach, in areas of work such as generative models for quantum computing, quantum graph networks, and quantum transfer learning, addressing the topic of image encoding methods that could potentially open the door to new strategies for quantum computers