Technology Transfer

Knowledge and Technology Transfer Unit (KTT)

The CVC’s Knowledge & Technology Transfer Unit (KTT) represents and promotes CVC technologies in industrial fairs and meetings with private and public companies that need to solve industrial challenges using computer vision.

The CVC has several ways of making its technologies available to industry: licensing a technology, consultancy services, partnership in public funding calls, collaborative research, technology development and other services to solve specific needs and challenges faced by companies.

Overall,  KTT supports researchers in the technology development of their innovations and the creation of new services, products and spin-offs.

The KTT unit offers the following services:

Evaluation of technology in relation to the state of the art, market needs and required technological development

Advice on appropriate intellectual property protection

Negotiations with potential licensees of CVC technologies

Client portfolio management and search for new outsourced research with relevant companies

Provide the required support and training for the creation of spin-offs and technology commercialisation

Advice on funding and intellectual property tests, technology landscaping and technology development in real and relevant environments

Tech-Transfer News

Smart Recycling with Computer Vision – World Recycling Day 2024

May 17, 2024

Today is World Recycling Day, and it is an appropriate moment to reflect on the importance of recycling in preserving our planet. Computer Vision can play an important role in improving recycling and contributing to a greener and more sustainable future. At CVC, we are developing innovative solutions to enhance recycling practices. Here is a closer look at some of our … Read more

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CVC at Mobile World Congress 2024

March 4, 2024

The Computer Vision Center attends Mobile World Congress 2024, thanks to the support of Generalitat de Catalunya, highlighting its latest Computer Vision technologies. The Mobile World Congress (MWC) is the world’s most influential mobile technology event. This year, the congress was held on February 26-29 at Fira de Barcelona. It was attended by more than … Read more

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CVC at Integrated Systems Europe 2024

February 6, 2024

The Computer Vision Center attends Integrated Systems Europe 2024, thanks to the support of the Generalitat de Catalunya, highlighting its latest Computer Vision technologies for the audiovisual industry. Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) is the world’s leading audiovisual and systems integration exhibition. This year, the event took place from January 31 to February 2 at Fira … Read more

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CVC at the Smart City Expo World Congress 2023

November 14, 2023

The Computer Vision Center attends the Smart City Expo World Congress 2023, thanks to the support of the Generalitat de Catalunya, highlighting its latest Computer Vision technologies for smart cities. The Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC) is the international leading event for cities. This year, the event took place on November 07-09 at Fira … Read more

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Un viatge a la Barcelona modernista a través d’una experiència immersiva de realitat virtual del mític cafè ‘Els 4 Gats’

June 13, 2023

El pilot, emmarcat dins del projecte ViVIM, consisteix en un viatge en el temps a la Barcelona de l’època modernista, on dos usuaris comparteixen l’experiència d’explorar els racons del local mitjançant ulleres de realitat virtual Investigadors del CVC han participat en el desenvolupament d’una experiència documental immersiva que, a través d’unes ulleres de realitat virtual, … Read more

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CVC at Mobile World Congress 2023

March 3, 2023

The Computer Vision Center was exhibitor at this year’s MWC, thanks to the support of Generalitat de Catalunya, highlighting the applicability of Computer Vision technologies for artistic expression. The world’s most influential mobile technology event, the Mobile World Congress (MWC), took place this year from February 27 to March 02 at Fira de Barcelona. The … Read more

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CVC at IoT Solutions World Congress 2023

February 6, 2023

The Computer Vision Center was present at this year’s IOTSWC, thanks to the support of Generalitat de Catalunya, highlighting its latest Computer Vision solutions for mobility management. The IoT Solutions World Congress is the largest international event dedicated to IoT (Internet of Things) solutions for industry. This year the event took place from January 31 … Read more

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SPEAR: An Open-Source Photorealistic Simulator for Embodied AI

January 13, 2023

Intel Labs develops the Simulator for Photorealistic Embodied AI Research (SPEAR) with the collaboration of the Computer Vision Center (CVC), Kujiale and the Technical University of Munich. This highly realistic, open-source simulation platform accelerates the training and validation of embodied AI systems in indoor domains. SPEAR can be downloaded under an open-source MIT license and customised … Read more

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El CVC s’afegeix com a nou soci del Clúster Audiovisual de Catalunya

July 8, 2022

El CVC s’ha adherit recentment al Clúster Audiovisual de Catalunya. El CVC, amb més de 27 anys d’experiència en el camp de la recerca, innovació i formació en visió per computador, s’ha incorporat com a nou soci del clúster, una iniciativa que serveix de punt de trobada de més de 150 empreses i institucions de … Read more

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El simulador CARLA, guardonat amb el Premi Nacional de Recerca

June 9, 2022

El Centre de Visió per Computador (CVC) i Intel Intelligent Systems Lab han estat guardonats amb el Premi Nacional al Partenariat Publicoprivat en R+I pel desenvolupament conjunt del simulador de codi obert sense ànim de lucre CARLA, per entrenar i validar sistemes de conducció autònoma. El premi s’ha lliurat el 7 de juny de 2022 … Read more

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