Computer Vision Center (hereinafter CVC) has implemented an internal communications channel, in accordance with the European "whistleblowing" directive for any person who wishes to communicate or report any fact that may have infringed the material scope of Law 2/2023, regulating the protection of persons who report regulatory infringements and the fight against corruption, or any behaviour of third parties that contravenes the compliance policies established by CVC.
You can activate the form by opening the following link Internal Channel Form. Note that in the header of the form you will find some web links of interest regarding the law and operation of the channel. It is therefore suggested that you read the information contained in these links before making a communication or complaint.
From this moment on, the previous internal communication channels will be deactivated
Once you have correctly filled in the form, you will receive a code/locator to track the status of your communication. In this respect, you should access the following link Tracking Access, where you will find a form to enter your code/locator.
If you have any problems with accessing or filling in the form, you can contact us at so that we can attend or seek a compromise solution, within the law, so that you can make the communication (identifying yourself or anonymously).
In addition, the Law establishes the creation of an external information channel and the appointment of an Independent Whistle-blower Protection Authority. Any person may report to this Authority or to the corresponding regional authorities or bodies any actions or omissions included in the scope of application of this law. The competent organism applying to CVC is Oficina Antifrau de Catalunya