We call for submissions of already published papers between 2023 and 2024 either in top impact factor journals such as PAMI, IJCV, TIP or highly ranked conferences such as CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, Eurographics, SIGGRAPH, among others.
The selected abstracts will gather the most relevant Catalan Computer Vision community results. The selection of abstracts will be based on impact, quality and a balanced presence of all Catalan academic institutions.
Accepted abstracts will be presented in the Poster Session during the ACMCV’24 event. This session encourages authors to explain their work to a local audience. Please, submit your abstract before ⚠️ Wednesday, September 11.

❗Author responsibilities
- Submitted works must be already published in peer-reviewed publications.
- Authors agree that if the paper is accepted, at least one of the authors will register for the conference.
- To attend ACMCV’24, all the attendees (whether presenters of posters or not) must register for the event. Please, register your attendance before ⚠️ Monday, September 16.
- Authors allow the ACMCV organization to share all the materials submitted in the form (links, title and abstract, among others) on the event website.
⭕ What is the format of the poster session?
The poster session will be held in person(*) from 17:00 to 18:30 h at CVC’s garden.
All presenters are expected to bring and hang their posters in their assigned display area.
(*) If it is impossible for you (and for the rest of the authors) to attend in person but you would like to present your work at the conference, please indicate this in the submission form. The ACMCV organizing committee will consider online participation in exceptional cases.