Approximate Ensemble Methods for Physical Activity Recognition Applications

Approximate Ensemble Methods for Physical Activity Recognition Applications

Place: Large Lecture Room - CVC

Affiliation: Universitat de Barcelona and Computer Vision Centre  

The main interest of this thesis focuses on computational methodologies able to reduce the degree of complexity of learning algorithms and its application to physical activity recognition. Random Projections will be used to reduce the computational complexity in Multiple Classifier Systems. A new boosting algorithm and a new one-class classification methodology have been developed. In both cases, random projections are used for reducing the dimensionality of the problem and for generating diversity, exploiting in this way the benefits that ensembles of classifiers provide in terms of performances and stability. Moreover, the new one-class classification methodology, based on an ensemble strategy able to approximate a multidimensional convex-hull, has been proved to over-perform state-of-the-art one-class classification methodologies.
The practical focus of the thesis is towards Physical Activity Recognition. A new hardware platform for wearable computing application has been developed and used for collecting data of activities of daily living allowing to study the optimal features set able to successful classify activities.
Based on the classification methodologies developed and the study conducted on physical activity classification, a machine learning architecture capable to provide a continuous authentication mechanism for mobile-devices users has been worked out, as last part of the thesis. The system, based on a personalized classifier, states on the analysis of the characteristic gait patterns typical of each individual ensuring an unobtrusive and continuous authentication mechanism.

  Thesis Pierluigi Casale