Outreach Activities


One of the main pillars of the CVC’s mission is outreach. The CVC is committed to making its research accessible to all kinds of audiences, working to offer interesting content, scientific dissemination activities and citizen science programmes to bring Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence closer to citizens.

The CVC’s outreach actions aim to increase the general knowledge of science and innovation within the society, promote research results at local, national and international levels and encourage scientific vocations among young people.

Since 2021, the CVC is recognized as a Unit of Scientific Culture and Innovation (UCC+i) by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) and is part of the Spanish UCC+i Network. UCC+i acts as an intermediary between research centers and citizens, with the main aim of promoting scientific, technological and innovation culture and knowledge through a range of activities.

Stay tuned!

If you are interested in receiving information about the outreach activities organized by the CVC, leave us your contact and we will e-mail you when we have news.

Outreach news & events

CVC & Épica La Fura dels Baus trained a model for “Crema’l tu!” Badalona contest

July 23, 2024

CVC collaborated with Épica Foundation and Col·legi Badalonès designing a proposal for the Crema’l tu! contest. A contest to choose the design of the Demon that will be burned in Badalona on the Night of St. Anastasis on May 10. The submitted design resulted from training an AI with more than 500 demon pictures draw by students. Different levels workshops for … Read more

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Open Day 2024 at Computer Vision Center

May 13, 2024

Once a year, the Computer Vision Centre organises an Open Day. On this day, everyone interested in computer vision and artificial intelligence is encouraged to visit our facilities to find out more about what we do and how we contribute to society. This year, the event took place on Wednesday, May 8, and there were … Read more

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BADAMON.IA: CVC & Épica La Fura dels Baus trained a model for “Crema’l tu!” Badalona contest

May 7, 2024

Overview BADAMONIA is an exciting project that explores how artificial intelligence (AI) and creativity can work together. This project is a team effort by the Computer Vision Center (CVC), the Épica Foundation La Fura dels Baus, and Col·legi Badalonès. As part of the 25th anniversary of Badalona’s Crema’l Tu contest, the project aims to design … Read more

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ExperimentaAI project awarded the AI Dissemination Prize by the Catalan Association of Artificial Intelligence

October 27, 2023

The Catalan Association of Artificial Intelligence (ACIA) has awarded the “AI dissemination award” to the ExperimentAI project, a scientific dissemination initiative, coordinated by the CVC and co-funded by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) – Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. This project aims to bring artificial intelligence and computer vision closer to … Read more

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ExperimentAI finalitza amb 170 participants i 23 experts per experimentar i reflexionar sobre intel·ligència artificial a les biblioteques públiques

October 27, 2023

ExperimentAI, el projecte de divulgació científica centrat aproximar la intel·ligència artificial (IA) i la visió per computador al públic general, ha finalitzat amb èxit la seva segona edició. Aquesta iniciativa, desenvolupada pel Centre de Visió per Computador (CVC), centre CERCA de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona i cofinançada per la Fundació Espanyola per la Ciència … Read more

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Cicle de conferències | Intel·ligència artificial: revelant impactes socials

October 6, 2023

La intel•ligència artificial s’ha fet present a les nostres vides d’una manera accelerada durant els últims anys. El debat sobre el que significa una intel•ligència artificial acceptable està essent intens i profund, amb contribucions molt rellevants, però també amb soroll i preocupació sobre els potencials impactes socials, que encara s’han de revelar en totes les … Read more

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CVC at Open Living Lab Days 2023

September 25, 2023

We are proud to reflect on our active role at the recently concluded Open Living Lab Days 2023 Conference “Living Labs for an Era of Transitions”, #OLLD23, that took place in Barcelona on Septermber 21-23. As co-organizers and enthusiastic participants, we made meaningful contributions to this global gathering of innovators and changemakers. Join us to discover … Read more

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El CVC i 10 instituts avançant cap al reciclatge intel·ligent

August 3, 2023

El Programa recerca, creació i servei, impulsat per la Direcció General d’Innovació, Digitalització, Currículum i Llengües de la Generalitat de Catalunya, fomenta els aprenentatges competencials a partir de reptes proposats per entitats i centres de recerca catalans. L’alumnat triarà el seu projecte i contribuirà a la societat elaborant productes i serveis.  La innovació pedagògica unida amb la recerca científica pot ser un … Read more

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CVC School Visits 2022-2023: Exploring the Research World

August 2, 2023

During the 2022-2023 academic year, our research center had the pleasure of hosting 11 school visits. We welcomed students from different schools, including a primary school facing social challenges, high schools with various academic interests and diverse vocational schools. Some of these visits were possible through our collaboration with the School of Engineering at the … Read more

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El CVC acull un estudiant guardonat amb el ‘Premi Extraordinari de Batxillerat’

July 21, 2023

La setmana passada vam tenir el plaer de rebre en Yeray Zalaya, un estudiant excepcional que ha triat el CVC per dur a terme la seva estada de recerca, coordinada per l’Associació Catalana d’Entitats de Recerca (ACER), gràcies al Premi Extraordinari de Batxillerat 2021/2022. L’Associació Catalana d’Entitats de Recerca (ACER) impulsa un programa perquè estudiants … Read more

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Citizen Science Initiatives


Computer Vision and AI in public libraries


Citizen dialogues on AI, ethics and citizen participation

Library Living Lab

An Open and Citizen-Centric Approach for Innovation

3D Scanning Capitals

Citizens Co-Creating the City’s           Digital Cultural Heritage

Game of Crowds

Innovative digital experiences combining historical demographics, Computer Vision and citizen science

Social Impact of AI Projects


European Platform for Regions to advance Digital Transformation of public services - enabling AI & Big Data collective solutions

Living in EU

The European way of digital transformation in cities and communities


Innovative solutions responding to the needs of cities & communities. Horizon Europe Project

Activities with Schools, High Schools & Universities


School & High School visits 

During the year, the CVC receives several visits from schools and high schools

3Ts project (Tasta i Testeja Tecnologia)

An educational programme aimed at secondary school students to promote STEAM vocations

ESCOLAB Programme

School Visits at CVC within the Barcelona Council's ESCOLAB programme


CROMA 2.0 Programme

Collaboration in the CROMA 2.0 programme of the Autònoma Solidària Foundation (FAS).

Fairs, festivals and other activities


European Researchers Night


Barcelona Science Festival

Pint of Science

Biennal Ciutat i Ciència Barcelona




Interactive infographic to discover more about CVC projects and applications.


CVC Open Day

Annual Open Day to showcase our research, projects, demonstrations and facilities

More information

Communication & Marketing team



Tel. +34 681 11 38 99

