GIANA Sub-challenge on gastrointestinal image analysis awards, MICCAI 2018 ENDOVIS Challenge

GIANA Sub-challenge on gastrointestinal image analysis awards, MICCAI 2018 ENDOVIS Challenge

GIANA 2018 Sub-challenge on Gastrointestinal Image Analysis took part on September 1 during MICCAI 2018 conference, held in Granada, Spain. GIANA sub-challenge was part of the MICCAI 2018 EndoVis challenge, which comprised 4 different categories this year: Gastrointestinal Image ANAlysis, Surgical Workflow Analysis in the SensorOR, Robotic Scene Segmentation and CATARACTS.

GIANA 2018 Sub-challenge was jointly organized by 4 different institutions from Spain and France: Computer Vision Center/Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (CVC-UAB), ETIS laboratory at Ecole nationale supérieure de l'Electronique et de ses Applications (ETIS-ENSEA), Hospital Clinic de Barcelona (HCB) and Hôpital Saint-Antoine AP-HP (HSA). Main organizers of the sub-challenge were Jorge Bernal from CVC-UAB and Prof. Aymeric Histace from ETIS-ENSEA.

GIANA Sub-challenge is the continuation of previous challenges (ISBI 2015, MICCAI 2015 and MICCAI 2017) on gastrointestinal image analysis. This year the sub-challenge consisted of three main different tasks: polyp detection and localization in videocolonoscopy, polyp segmentation in colonoscopy images and lesion detection and localization in wireless capsule endoscopy images.

Regarding this year’s challenge we would like to highlight two important novelties. First, we completely redefined the tasks associated to wireless capsule endoscopy images and we proposed participants to tackle lesion detection (including lesion classification) and localization. To efficiently train and test the different methodologies, a completely new database for wireless capsule endoscopy lesions (CAD-CAP dataset) has been created. This dataset contains over 3500 images comprising the following categories: normal, inflammatory lesions and vascular lesions.  We also offered participants on colonoscopy-related tasks the possibility of having a first glimpse of their performance by using the online evaluation tool that has been developed at CVC-UAB.

Teams had access to annotated training data from May 23rd and testing data was released on July 20. Final submission data of the results was September 3rd. All information related to the challenge was released in GIANA official website though data was only accessible after registering on the website and acceptance of the rules for participation.

Awards for the challenge were sponsored by Société Française d'Endoscopie Digestive (SFED), which provided with 12 different prizes for a total of 2000 €. The following categories were defined: 1) Polyp Detection, 2) Polyp Localization, 3) Polyp Segmentation (SD images), 4) Polyp Segmentation (HD images), 5) Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Lesion Detection, 6) Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Lesion Localization,7) Overall Participation award, which considered only the teams that took part in all 3 previous categories and 8) Special GIANA award for meritorious contribution.

Winners went as follows: 

In the Polyp Detection category, the first prize (250 €) was awarded to the KM team composed by Satoshi Kondo.

In the Polyp Localization category, the first prize (250 €) was awarded to the ODS AI team composed by Vladimir Iglovikov and Anton Dobreenkii.

In the Polyp Segmentation (SD images) category, the first prize (250 €) was for the Penguin AI team, composed by Hanbo Chen, He Zheng, Yang Li, Jianhua Yao and Junzhou Huang.

In the Polyp Segmentation (HD images) category, the first prize (250 €) was awarded to the OUS team composed by Hemin Ali Qadir, Younghak Shin and Ilangko Balasingham.

In the Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Lesion Detection category, the first prize (250€) was for the KM team, composed by Satoshi Kondo.

In the Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Lesion Localization category, the first prize (250€) was awarded to the KM team composed by Satoshi Kondo.

With respect to Overall Participation award, there was a tie for the first prize (125 €) which was awarded to both KM (composed by Satoshi Kondo) and Penguin AI (composed by Hanbo Chen, He Zheng, Yang Li, Jianhua Yao and Junzhou Huang) teams.

The second prize (100 €) in the Overall Participation Award category was awarded to FanVoyage team composed by Ahmed Mohammed Kedir, Mohib Ullah, Sule Yildirim, Ivar Farup Marius Pedersen and Øistein Hovde.

ODS AI team, composed by Vladimir Iglovikov and Anton Dobreenkii, was the winner of the third prize (50 €) in Overall Participation Award category.

Finally, FanVoyage team, composed by Ahmed Mohammed Kedir, Mohib Ullah, Sule Yildirim, Ivar Farup Marius Pedersen and Øistein Hovde, won the 1st prize (100 €) in Special GIANA award category.

We want to acknowledge the quality of the contributions from all the teams. Slides presented in the challenge detailing the results, along with details of each of the methodology, are already published in GIANA website. Additionally, we aim to publish journal publications summarizing the results of the challenge. We also want to deeply thank the main organizers of EndoVis challenge (Stefanie Speidel, Lena Maier-Hein and Danail Stoyanov) for their help and support during challenge preparation. We look forward to organizing future iterations of this sub-challenge in the following years.