The Computer Vision Center (CVC) is a non-profit research center with an independent legal status, established in 1995 by the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) in the Bellaterra Campus of this university. The CVC is, also, a CERCA centre, founder partner of the Centre of Innovation for Data Tech and Artificial Intelligence (CIDAI), the Artificial Intelligence Research Alliance of Catalonia (AIRA) and the Digital Innovation Hub of Catalonia (DIH4CAT), and member of the Catalan Association of Research Centres (ACER) and the UAB Research Park (PRUAB).
Our mission is to carry out cutting-edge research in the field of computer vision. We also promote the transference of knowledge to industry and society. Finally, we strive to prepare and form researchers of the highest European level.
Thanks to our good working practices, the CVC has positioned itself as a specialist in the field of computer vision and is considered a reference in the creation of knowledge towards society.

CVC's Model
Research & Technology Transfer: A model of Open Innovation

Creativity, initiative and knowledge are together employed to tackle cutting-edge research projects in Computer Vision. CVC’s researchers strive towards excellence in their work, thus favouring cooperation in innovative projects, visits to other centers and universities, hosting of external researchers, organization of seminars and other similar activities which help the exchange of ideas among researchers and technologists. This in turn encourages an atmosphere of critical thinking and improvement.
The privileged location within the UAB campus allows collaborations with expert researchers and highly qualified personnel in Computer Vision from a broad perspective, both cross-disciplinary and interdisciplinary.
The results of our researcher’s achievements and professionalism are directly reflected by the awards won, the invited invitations to talks at international conferences and especially in the articles featured in sector publications.
Technology Transfer:
Computer Vision is a transversal technology with a wide array of possible applications including but not limited to biomedicine, mobility, security, industry, culture, education, society, media, etc.
Our track record in collaborating with companies and institutions for over 25 years allows us to deliver our know-how to society in a more efficient manner.
This transfer of knowledge is executed through the signing of commercial contracts with industrial partners, the creation of spin-off companies and through the introduction of our highly qualified staff to the business world.
With our working methods of knowledge transfer, we aim to bring added value to business and society.