Inauguration of the 6th edition of the AI4ALL programme

The CVC will be hosting the inaugural event of the sixth edition of AI4ALL, a training programme specialising in artificial intelligence applied to industry and organised by the Parc de Recerca UAB (PRUAB), the CVC, the UAB School of Engineering and the CSIC’s Artificial Intelligence Research Institute. The welcoming speeches will be given by Lluís Juncà, … Read more

Documental The BrAIn Roads a l’Ateneu Barcelonès

Presentació del documental The BrAIn Roads a l’Ateneu Barcelonès! 📅 9 de maig⏰ 18:30 h ➡️ La projecció del documental anirà seguida d’una xerrada sobre conducció autònoma adreçada a tots els públics a càrrec del Dr. Antonio M. López! 🚗 🌲 The BrAIn Roads és un documental divulgatiu que narra la trepidant recerca d’un grup d’investigadors i investigadores del CVC … Read more

BADAMON.IA: CVC & Épica La Fura dels Baus trained a model for “Crema’l tu!” Badalona contest

Overview BADAMONIA is an exciting project that explores how artificial intelligence (AI) and creativity can work together. This project is a team effort by the Computer Vision Center (CVC), the Épica Foundation La Fura dels Baus, and Col·legi Badalonès. As part of the 25th anniversary of Badalona’s Crema’l Tu contest, the project aims to design … Read more

2024 International Women’s Day celebration at CVC

At CVC, we stand firm in our commitment to promoting equality, not only on significant dates such as February 11th (International Day of Women and Girls in Science) and March 8th (International Women’s Day) but every single day. Our initiatives are handled through an intersectional lens, ensuring inclusivity and diversity in all we do. 💜 … Read more

MWC 2024

The Mobile World Congress is back from February 26-29 at Fira de Barcelona. The Computer Vision Center (CVC) will attend the congress within the Catalan Government Pavilion thanks to the support of the Generalitat de Catalunya. Our stand will be located at 📍 Congress Square CS220 (Catalonia Pavilion), booth 36.  Our stand wants to be a meeting … Read more

First CVC Internal Hackathon

We are happy to share that our internal CVC Hackathon that took place on February 6 and 7 was a success! Over two busy days, our #CVCPeople made five strong teams, working hard on new ideas and projects. The projects presented were: Chess sheet OCR, Speech recognition through lips detection, Wacom tablet & Sketches, & Dress … Read more