Dr Antonio Lopez and Dr Sergio Escalera have received the “ICREA Academia” distinction for the second time

The Catalan Institute for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA) has awarded ICREA Acadèmia grants to 40 academic staff members from Catalan universities across various fields in its 2023 call. Among the awardees are Dr Antonio Lopez and Dr Sergio Escalera, both researchers at CVC, who previously received the grant in 2018 and have now renewed … Read more

5 CVC Researchers Acknowledged Among the Most Cited Globally by the Stanford University Ranking

Stanford University, in collaboration with Elsevier-Scopus, has recently updated the results of the study of the most-cited authors in the world. This global ranking considered one of the most prestigious, is based on bibliometric information collected from the Scopus database (published by Elsevier), updated to the end of the citation year 2022, and includes the … Read more

SEIO – Fundación BBVA 2023 Award

The study “Monitoring war destruction from space using machine learning”, in which the CVC researcher, Dr Joan Serrat, has participated, has been recognized in the 2023 edition of the Society of Statistics and Operations Research (SEIO) – BBVA Foundation Awards. The awarded work was conducted by Andre Groeger (Ramón y Cajal researcher at UAB), Hannes … Read more

Dr Gabriel Villalonga and Dr Sounak Day receive UAB’s PhD special award

Dr Gabriel Villalonga and Dr Sounak Dey have been awarded PhD Special Award by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). This award recognizes the quality of their doctoral theses, which have made significant contributions and advancements in their respective fields. The UAB’s PhD special awards hold immense value within the university community, emphasizing the exceptional … Read more

5 CVC researchers, among the top 5.000 researchers in Spain and Spaniards abroad according to the CSIC ranking

The Spanish National Council of Scientific Research (CSIC) has released the new edition of its Researchers in Spain and Spaniards Abroad ranking. This 2023 edition places five CVC researchers among the top 5.000 Spanish and foreign research scientists who do research in Spanish organizations ranked according to their profile indicators in the Google Scholar database. … Read more

El CVC, guardonat amb el premi AmicsUAB

El Centre de Visió per Computador (CVC) ha estat reconegut per l’associació Amics UAB amb el premi “Col·lectiu UAB”, dirigit a institucions que treballen millorant els serveis prestats a la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). Aquest premi reconeix la feina realitzada pel col·lectiu del CVC durant els seus 27 anys d’història, la seva vinculació amb … Read more

Dr Dimosthenis Karatzas receives an Amazon Research Award

CVC’s Associate Director, Dr Dimosthenis Karatzas has received an Amazon Research Award for his proposal “Multipage and Multilingual Document Visual Question Answering” for the second time in a row. Amazon Research Awards is a program that provides unrestricted funds and AWS Promotional Credits to academic researchers investigating research topics across several disciplines. This award will … Read more

Dr Josep Lladós awarded the IAPR certificate of appreciation

Dr Josep Lladós, CVC Director, has received the IAPR certificate of appreciation for his long-term leadership service with impact on the association’s committees. The International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR) is an international association of non-profit, scientific or professional organizations concerned with pattern recognition, computer vision, and image processing in a broad sense. IAPR aims to promote … Read more

Dr Sergio Escalera receives the IAPR fellow award 2022

Dr Sergio Escalera, CVC and University of Barcelona researcher, has been elected a fellow of the International Association of Pattern Recognition for his contributions to the field of Pattern Recognition and Human Behaviour Analysis. The International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR) is an international association of non-profit, scientific or professional organizations concerned with pattern recognition, … Read more

El simulador CARLA, guardonat amb el Premi Nacional de Recerca

El Centre de Visió per Computador (CVC) i Intel Intelligent Systems Lab han estat guardonats amb el Premi Nacional al Partenariat Publicoprivat en R+I pel desenvolupament conjunt del simulador de codi obert sense ànim de lucre CARLA, per entrenar i validar sistemes de conducció autònoma. El premi s’ha lliurat el 7 de juny de 2022 … Read more