Talent Day 2024 at CVC

On Friday 24th, we celebrated the CVC Talent Day & CVCRD Junior, a special event where students from the Elena Maseras and Rosa Sensat internship programs had the opportunity to present the outcomes of their research projects. These interns shared their experiences and insights gained during their time with the CVC community in a dynamic … Read more

2024 International Women’s Day celebration at CVC

At CVC, we stand firm in our commitment to promoting equality, not only on significant dates such as February 11th (International Day of Women and Girls in Science) and March 8th (International Women’s Day) but every single day. Our initiatives are handled through an intersectional lens, ensuring inclusivity and diversity in all we do. 💜 … Read more

Setmana de la innovació UAB

Del 16 al 20 d’octubre de 2023, se celebra la Setmana de la innovació a la UAB. Durant aquesta setmana, la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona s’obrirà al territori per mostrar el seu ecosistema d’innovació i emprenedoria i apropar a la societat les tecnologies i coneixement innovador que es genera al campus. La Setmana de la … Read more

Cicle de conferències | Intel·ligència artificial: revelant impactes socials

La intel•ligència artificial s’ha fet present a les nostres vides d’una manera accelerada durant els últims anys. El debat sobre el que significa una intel•ligència artificial acceptable està essent intens i profund, amb contribucions molt rellevants, però també amb soroll i preocupació sobre els potencials impactes socials, que encara s’han de revelar en totes les … Read more

Mobile World Congress 2023

The Mobile World Congress is back from February 27 to March 02 at Fira de Barcelona. The Computer Vision Center (CVC) will attend the congress within the Catalan Government Pavilion thanks to the support of the Generalitat de Catalunya. Our stand wants to be a meeting point where to discuss the potential role that computer … Read more

AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence

The 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-23) will be held in Washington, DC, USA, on February 7-14. CVC researchers will present their work at the conference workshops. 📄 Text-DIAE: A Self-Supervised Degradation Invariant Autoencoders for Text Recognition and Document Enhancement by Mohamed Ali Souibgui, Sanket Biswas, Andres Mafla, Ali Furkan Biten, Alicia Fornés, Yousri … Read more

IoT Solutions World Congress 2023

The IoT Solutions World Congress is the largest international event dedicated to IoT (Internet of Things) solutions for industry. This year the event will take place from January 31 to February 02 at Fira de Barcelona (Gran Via Venue). In this edition, the Computer Vision Center (CVC) will participate as an exhibitor thanks to the … Read more

Deep Learning Barcelona Symposium 2022

The Deep Learning Barcelona Symposium (DLBCN) aims to showcase research on deep learning carried out by scientists in/from Barcelona (that is, scientists who currently work in Barcelona or who pursued part of their studies or career in Barcelona). This unique meeting gathers researchers from diverse disciplines working in deep learning and shows the potential of … Read more

CVC at the Smart City Expo World Congress 2022

The international leading event for cities is about to take place! The Smart City Expo World Congress will be held this year on November 15-17 at Fira de Barcelona. In this edition, the Computer Vision Center (CVC) will participate as an exhibitor thanks to the support of the Generalitat de Catalunya. Our booth wants to be a … Read more