2024 International Women’s Day celebration at CVC

At CVC, we stand firm in our commitment to promoting equality, not only on significant dates such as February 11th (International Day of Women and Girls in Science) and March 8th (International Women’s Day) but every single day. Our initiatives are handled through an intersectional lens, ensuring inclusivity and diversity in all we do. 💜 … Read more

CVC at Mobile World Congress 2024

The Computer Vision Center attends Mobile World Congress 2024, thanks to the support of Generalitat de Catalunya, highlighting its latest Computer Vision technologies. The Mobile World Congress (MWC) is the world’s most influential mobile technology event. This year, the congress was held on February 26-29 at Fira de Barcelona. It was attended by more than … Read more

First CVC Internal Hackathon

We are happy to share that our internal CVC Hackathon that took place on February 6 and 7 was a success! Over two busy days, our #CVCPeople made five strong teams, working hard on new ideas and projects. The projects presented were: Chess sheet OCR, Speech recognition through lips detection, Wacom tablet & Sketches, & Dress … Read more

Es presenta The BrAIn Roads, el documental divulgatiu sobre el projecte de mobilitat autònoma en àrees rurals

El CVC va presentar The BrAIn Roads, una producció que exposa els resultats del projecte “Tecnologies Digitals Avançades sobre Conducció Autònoma al Medi Rural“, finançat per la Generalitat de Catalunya i executat pel CVC, amb la col·laboració de SEAT, Volkswagen i la Fundació i2CAT, amb la intenció de donar una resposta econòmica i sostenible a la manca de transport públic que afecta … Read more

CVC at Integrated Systems Europe 2024

The Computer Vision Center attends Integrated Systems Europe 2024, thanks to the support of the Generalitat de Catalunya, highlighting its latest Computer Vision technologies for the audiovisual industry. Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) is the world’s leading audiovisual and systems integration exhibition. This year, the event took place from January 31 to February 2 at Fira … Read more

2023 in a nutshell

As we step into a new year, we can’t help but take a moment to revisit the extraordinary journey that was 2023 for CVC. 2023 has been a year filled with lessons, challenges, and ground-breaking innovation. Join us to recap some of the highlights and achievements that made 2023 an unforgettable chapter for CVC! 🔍👇  … Read more

Three CVC Doctors are recognized with a Pioneer Award 2023

Dr. Diego Velázquez, Dr. Shiqi Yang, and Dr. Mohamed Ali Souibgui, CVC alumni, have been recognized by the CERCA Institute – Centres de Recerca de Catalunya –, with a Pioneer Award for the commercial orientation of their theses. The tenth edition of the Pioneer Awards has recognized eight young researchers from different CERCA centers who … Read more